Monday, December 21, 2009

New blog title: NatureTalks

Dear Friends! The new blog Url is:
For the New Year( after the most wonderful event of Winter Solstice) I am UPDATING my blogging.
Nature's Beuties had certain limitations.
NatureTalks has a much broader range for global blogging.
Sorry if this causes inconvenience, but on Internet the UPDATING is very common when they come up with something better stuff.
NatureTalks will tell you much more than just the Beauties!
Enjoy and have a Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Heisann!
    Thank you so much for your nice comment on my blog.
    I appreciate your thoughts about my effort, I enjoy learning more about my interests - maybe some other people will too, in the future!
    I will visit your blog and read more after work, going to a seminar in the neigbourcity.
    Wish you a peaceful new year!
